The millstone called ‘risk management’

Despite 'risk management' being a much-heard expression these days:

  1. There is no agreement to the problem it is (ostensibly} solving
  2. Even among those who advocate its adoption and practice (often to earn their living} it has no settled meaning, nor even clarity of purpose.
  3. Its clumsy and ever-changing constructs and confected jargon complicates rather than improves decision making and, therefore, organisational performance

Just ask yourself: If risk management is the answer, what was the question? This is a must watch session for anyone working in risk management and a great foundation for the whole week. Make sure you sign up!


Handout and slides

About The Speakers

Grant Purdy

Grant Purdy

Grant is an accomplished facilitator, trainer and speaker and has had over 100 papers and articles published and has authored and co-authored several books and many handbooks. He speaks regularly at conferences and webinars.Grant has been a member of the Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand Joint Technical Committee on Risk Management for over 14 years and was its chair for seven. He is co-author of the 2004 version of AS/NZS 4360 and has authored many other risk management handbooks, guides and books. He was also the nominated expert for Australia on the Working Group that wrote ISO 31000 and Guide 73 and later Head of Delegation for Australia on ISO PC 262 that will revise ISO 31000